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Idea Bank
Know your carbon footprint

All of us are aware of the effects we have on the environment. We know about global warming and its effects polar bears and penguins. Still we waste electricity by forgetting to switch of lights, waste food because it didn't taste nice, waste water by letting the tap run while we brush our teeth, forget to take our own cloth bags and end up buying/ accepting plastic bags from our local grocery shop.
The world's leading scientists agree that climate change is human-induced. Still we have president Donald Trump saying that he doesn't believe in it.
Why does this happen? Why can't we accept it? Clearly we know about the impact. We have all taken the test to know our carbon footprint. Well then, why can't we empathize with the earth?
Empathy is about feeling another's feelings but how would this work with non living objects? This is an experimental concept to help people empathize with the earth. We think that personifying inanimate objects helps us empathize with them. This is an experiment that shows a person what the Earth would look like in the future if it was them. Answer the questions, Imagine you are the earth and know what the earth looks like with your carbon footprint.

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