Idea Bank
Look around you
We created a persona and chose different pieces of information to describe her. The information was printed and pasted around a popular hangout spot. We spread out large white sheets of paper on the table for people draw what they imagined form the information they collected around them
Does one piece make them curious to find out more? Do they make connections and come to a conclusion, How do they imagine the person?, Do they google for information? Or do they ignore the entire thing?
Any result of the experiment was a commentary on human behaviour and how they seek information and what they do with it. Cause information is all around us and how much we see and seek is up to us.
We also wanted test if information helped in conscious perspective taking. We had provided statements of various types. Some personal, Some impersonal.
We noticed that people were able to guess that the persona was that of a Rohingya girl in a camp.
CONCLUSION: Feedback needed for participants