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Idea Bank
The Empathy Playbook

All of us have experienced getting a new pair of eyes on things. You get perspectives and angles that you have never thought about. These are possibilities that your brain automatically discarded or maybe that connection just wasn't made. But why does this happen?
It is because of the conditioning that we all go through in our childhood. And it is impossible to change these influences and this conditioning. But maybe it is possible to help by asking, expressing, imagining, observing and unbiasing. Along with teaching children the vowels of the language English, maybe it is also necessary to teach them the vowels of the language Empathy.
In order to build empathy in society, it is necessary to introduce it to children in their formative years.
The Empathy Playbook is another long term outcome that could be used for kids. It was inspired by the 'Systems Thinking Playbook' by 'Donella H Meadows'. It consists of five sections for our 5 parameters. Every section has 5 exercises based on each parameter. The aim of this book is to create an awareness about empathy and the five parameters that affect empathy through fun activities and games that you can play in groups.
A change through the playbook would be a gradual slow process but would be effective in the long run. The Empathy playbook can be used in schools. The teacher acts as the facilitator and carries out various activities. The book would be introduced to children at the age of 10 years to 15 years.
Take a look into the empathy playbook here!
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